I'm walking on sunshine!!!
Kami continued to study the long wooden instrument even as his host left him. It certainly was an interesting tool and his curiosity about the women who wielded it continued to grow. " Wonder what an Irish is." he thought as Rendalls approaching footsteps caused him to look back up towards her. Shifting his rear on the soft seat as she placed the items down in front of him. As he eyed the items he couldn't have felt more out of place. With nothing but the soft sound of the freshly falling snow and the crackling of the fire Kami found himself in a position he had never been before. Though he felt a bit alienated, it was actually quite. . .comfortable.

"So where is your brother now?" he asked as he leaned down and stuck his nose perhaps a little to close to the hot tea. The earthy scent of herbs overloading his senses and causing him to recoil a bit. Snorting lightly as he stared down the end of his muzzle a bit cross eyed, caught off guard by the strong smell. " Is he here in the Valley or?. . ." his voice trailing off as he looked back up to Rendall, he didn't want to jump to any conclusions and she seemed to be willing to share so far. His left ear perking at attention towards the female so that she would know he was listening as he began to look back down at the food she placed in front of him. The golden eyes once again lingering on the scarf covering her hind leg before he turned to the bowl of meat. Sniffing it lightly and letting the sweet yet abnormal smell of cooked meat fill his nose. Without a second thought he placed his muzzle deep into the bowl and pushed it around a bit as he attempted to get a mouthful of the warm meal. It had been awhile since he had eaten and the cold of winter always seemed to steal more energy from him then the warmth of spring and summer. Finally getting his maw full he leaned back up and swallowed. The warm meat reminding him much of the feeling after having a fresh kill as it slid down his throat. " What about the rest of your family?" his eyes locking again with the wolfess bright blue orbs not really knowing what kind of answer to expect. He was aware that bombarding someone with so many questions could be a bit off putting, but he wanted to know and subtlety in conversation was certainly not Kamis strong point.

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