[M]Shatter my heart

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; It's fine hun. My own puter is acting up now; 514 words

He wasn't exactly nervous or anything but he simply wanted to make sure that the female was okay. That she still wanted this. After all he would back off if that was what she wanted instead. He just wanted her to know that this was all up to her. Nothing that she didn't want to happen wasn't going to end up happening. Besides that he wanted her to know that she was more than just some means to an end. Ouija easily cared for everyone. He had love enough to share. He didn't know why love and affection should only he saved for one canine when there were so many spread throughout all of the world.

He missed the words though if he had caught them he would have assured her that there were most likely plenty that cared. Just because you couldn't think of all of them right off didn't mean that they weren't there. There were some that cared but were afraid to speak up. After all no one liked the taste of rejection. Sometimes that fear just had the others biting their tongues and not saying anything.

When he was certain that this was what she wanted and that she hadn't changed her mind he made to mount her. He did what he had to do, attempting to be tender the entire time. He continued to aim little licks at her head, face, and neck while he moved his hips to allow her to know that everything was okay. He was also careful to not get stuck and to keep his knot out when he finally reached his end. After all once he got done he wanted to be able to pull out and move away.

And once he was done he did just that. He pulled out and moved to lay next to her again. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he settled down next to her. "If you still wanted I could show you the way back to where I'm at." He wanted her to know that the offer still stood. And well, he was never too sure what to say after everything was over with. It was why he chose never to get stuck. He just couldn't think of enough words to fill the time. "Or if you would rather I can walk with you to where you stay. I'm sure you must be tired." He knew from experience the act generally left one feeling lethargic after the first time. And well, it had grown later as well. All of this combined he figured that the female might be sleepy. And well, he wanted to make sure that she was safe and okay before he left her. As well as his mind was screaming at him that he was just wasting time and he should be busying himself with something or another. That there were many things to be done and he needed to be working on them. He never could just sit still for extended periods of time without having something to work or concentrate on.

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