fortunate fool [p]

Sorry for the delay

“I’m not much of a trader, but I’ll look into it, maybe he would have something nice I could get for Ever,” he said, thinking about this mysterious red Miracles male. Ezra, once again, mentally beat himself for not knowing many people in his own pack. It was sad, as this was not the way the male was meant to be. He was a family man through and through, and desperately wanted to have a family here that he could rely on.

The mohawked man went on about his eagle, and he listened attentively. It was fascinating to see the relationship Niro had with Marahute. “And would you ever be willing to teach me how to have a pet like this? Ever has her horses. I’d really like a raven. I’m sure we could figure out a way to tone down the squawking.” he said with a smile, truly interested in this new potential hobby. “A messenger service sounds really cool. Do you think you could get all the packs in the area in on it?” Ezra had a vague idea of how many packs existed in the area, despite the fact that he didn’t interact with them at all.
“Maybe in the spring we could raid a raven’s nest,” he said happily, with a small grin, thinking of the ridiculousness of what he just said. It would be pretty interesting, though.

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Table by sieluff<3[/html]

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