I'm not about to give thanks or apologize.
     The same wind that had brought him here rose again, tousling his bangs and running its fingers along his fur. It was not cold enough to pierce through his coat. Ezekiel watched his father leave silently. Gabriel was still the same strong, broad figure that the boy remembered from his time here. New scars littered his face, new signs of age in his darkening hide and not-quite there gray hairs, but there was still no sign that their immortal father might fall. He was glad for this. Someone needed to be the rock that they could rely on, and Gabriel was the closest thing to God that Ezekiel had right now.

His own faith had struggled under such strain, but he believed. He still believed because it was the only way to keep Talitha alive. The proof was before him, with those bright red eyes and that auburn hair. He smiled. “With all my things?” the coyote joked, indicating those on his person. “Though who knows what took up residence there since I’ve been gone…” he added more seriously, his face crinkling at the thought.


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