
Out of Character

ooc text.

In Character

word count: 259

"let's go find some of that water you were talking about earlier, dear."

This brought Varice's recollections to a halt. In the midst of his semi-stoned story telling Varice had completley forgotten his thirst, which now returned in stunning strength. The very thought of water made his lips curl and pucker with anticipation.

YES! yes let's go do that...

He had hoped his earnest didn't alarm her as much as it did himself...he had not meant to be so loud

How far do you suppose it is? Any chance we could find a small game trail on the way? you can't tell me your not hungry, my stomach hasn't shut up since I've met you

The last bit of that sentence came out a little more alluring than he'd intended...his hunger may be strong, but Varice's stomach wasn't the only thing with an appetite out here. The cobalt half-ling, in true Varice fashion, stumbled through the next bit of flattery.

I don't know what it is about your scent, but since we've met i can't seem to get this stupid ass grin off my face.

"cute...real fuckin' cute" Varice muttered to himself after the words had left his smug maw, how come the things in his head never come out as good as they sound?

Varice cocked his head, he waited with bated breath to see if the tawny Lykoi would relish his embarrassment...or if today really was his day, find his lack of subtlety more than just bemusing.

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