the only down time is in death
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WC:348 (3pts)

OOC:Muse running away again >.> Thank you ^^ Also, this is only their first meeting Big Grin And Kesho is awesome! I can't wait to see where this thread goes :3

Revan could see that the older male looked annoyed, but was it him that caused it? He really wasn't sure what he could be doing to cause Kesho to become annoyed with him, but then he realized it must have been his mistake with Kesho's name. Hastati isn't his name...but his rank? So he was right to show respect, but that was short lived when Kesho's tone suddenly changed to that of aggressive, though it seemed to be more out of annoyance than actual anger.

Almost instantly he was up on his paws again, his ears back to where they were before though slightly slack because he was still convinced that the coyote was about to send him on his way. His eyes locked into the grizzled warrior's for only a moment, looking deep into the soul of the proud coyote who stood before him. "Yes Hastati, I apologize, I was just showing respect to a higher ranking member of my pack."

This coyote was certainly a proud warrior and Revan was glad to have met him. To be honest, he was really surprised that this coyote wasn't a member of the Lykoi family. He would have lived up to the image his father had painted in his mind, the proud warriors, the bloodthirsty killers, the legendary coyotes of Lykoi, all summed up in the image of a creature who wouldn't reveal his true last name to the younger hopeful.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted at the older warrior's question. All thought stopped, even his heart seemed to stop for a moment, until suddenly it was as if a bomb went off behind Revan's eyes. His orange and yellow eyes lit up like christmas tree lights, his tail wagged so hard it was a blur smacking against each of his flanks, and he began to hop puppylike in excitement, even as he watched the veteran turn to look away from him. "YES! YES! I want to learn! I want to be a warrior like you Hastati!" His younger years showed through quite obviously to the older male.


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