today was gonna be the day

^.^ Yay for having you back.

Traveling around the way he had done seemed to have done Umbra no good. Everywhere he went, he'd run into those shapeshifting half-wolves. And frankly, it made his skin crawl, even when they didn't attack him for no reason at all. All that gimcrack specialness only made them strange and creepy. So after having washed himself off and -- of course -- run into that black one, he'd headed south along the shore. Surely, he thought, he'd be able to avoid others then?

Despite the cold breeze coming from the sea, Umbra liked it. There was a certain peace in the continuous movement of the waves, and the random cry of a seagull calling for its mate -- or so he assumed. It wasn't as though he was an expert at birds.

Following the shoreline for a while, he paused when he saw another wolf at some distance. Damn it. But then he frowned thoughtfully. The salty wind complicated things, but he didn't think he could scent any of that oddness that almost all the others had given off. The female was as far as he could tell a loner, and it was those two things in combination that made him approach her.

"Hello there," he said when he came close enough to speak to her normally. Pausing, he tilted his head a little to the side as he waited for her response. Now that the distance was less and his assumptions seemed to be correct, he felt safer.

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