Whispers of the heart. --
ooc; Yay! The more the merrier! :3

Well, he actually has a voice. The boy had mentally remarked, giving a slight nod in Phones' direction. It was easily understood that his new acquaintance was a tad shaky, and something underneath his skin made it difficult to open up to others. He blinked, casually falling into his train of thought. Perhaps this wolf had been mistreated, or picked on by other bully pups. Tempests top lip nearly curled into a snarl of awful disgust, but he restrained. -- A question was heard from the other, and his mind re-registered what had been going on beforehand. "Ah, yes. I'm fairly new to Dahlia." He spoke in reply, letting his words softly flow from his maw, in a minute attempt to calm the other. "The others are very kind here. It was hard for me at first, too.." Letting a small sigh escape him, he gently shook his head and scattered a thin layer of snow that had began to fall from his coat. Tiny crystals cascaded and swirled into the clearing where they two wolves had been, and made home in their already white fur.

A sudden ruckus made its appearance in front of them, a earth hued she-wolf bounding from a snow drift barking happily in their direction. Tempest instantly looked to Phones, whom he had hoped could handle yet another surprise entry. She was completely out of breath, parked before them with her tongue hanging from her maw and a silly grin on her face. After introducing herself as Shayna, he pulled himself upward slightly and replied with "Tempest. And this is Phones." Introducing the two of them, in fear the other wolf would be rendered speechless yet again. He gave his fluff-for-a-tail a wag, her puppy-like behavior almost exciting him in return. Remarkably another wolf had made her way into Tempests' path and he had hoped to make friends with her as well.

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