Being me just isn't working

WC:432 OOC: XD Niro awkward teacher, either that or over excited hehehehe

Niro could see the sorrow in the boy’s eyes and his heart wrenched, though his mother was alive it seemed she was in a different pack, but it must have come this way for a reason, and since the boy seemed so hurt over it, Niro did not want to reopen wounds. Alder was old enough to understand such a loss, and it was possible that he was not ready to speak about it. Niro only nodded solemnly. The answer to Niro’s question came quick enough. An offer to help was accepted, so he whistled to Marahute, who took flight, and he put up one finger before taking himself behind a tree… He was very self conscious about changing these days… as it still hurt his leg to change. Taking off his belt, he took in a deep breath and shifted, as usual his leg gave a sharp pain as he moved closer to the ground. Though, once the change was over it was only a dull ache that he could ignore. Picking the belt up in his teeth he hid it in the bushes that Alder had gotten stuck in.

Ok, I think it’s best if I were like this. Now, when hunting there’s two ways to hunt… there’s a solo hunt, which is just by yourself and there’s the multiple hunt, which includes two or more wolves. They both deal with strategy though, what you are going to hunt and how you do it. Since you are doing it alone, we’ll figure out the solo hunt first.

he said. Smiling a little. He looked around and motioned for Alder to follow him, picking up the dead rabbit. He trodded a ways ahead, through the snow, then dropped the rabbit. Moving a few yards away.

Ok I want you to pretend that rabbit is alive, and it’s just come out of it’s hole, what I want you do do though, instead of running straight at it… is look for possible escape points the rabbit might have. That’s the number one thing you do in a hunt. Then you will head towards the most likely spot where the rabbit would escape, that way you chase it away from the route. You must be quiet at all times though, whatever noise you make, the rabbit will be able to hear.

Niro said, hoping he wasn’t putting too much information on the boy at once. He knew he was a very talkative wolf, and he tended to get excited quickly, which seemed the opposite of the quiet boy he’d found in the bushes.

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Table by Alli


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