
Word Count→362 :: Foreward dated Feb. 13th 'cause Poppz said I could!

Slowly, she was feeling better. As she loped past the skull-lined, snow-piled borders of Inferni, she reflected on what had changed in the days before the current. Her head still ached, but only at night when she slept and her leg felt better with every step. It was her chest that continued to be a problem. It burned with each breath, and hadn't stopped since the incident with the pine tree. Irritated, the spawn of Gabriel de le Poer rubbed at the lower branches of her ribcage through her russet pelt, swearing softly beneath her breath. How stupid was she to be wandering about the wasted lands surrounding her beautiful coyote kingdom while injured? Ezekiel would certainly be angry. Certainly.

Silence overtook the air as she paused in step, sniffing softly in search of strangers who might cause harm. Though the war was long since past, she maintained her nervous habits that she was sure could save her life someday. There was something on the air, blood and a familiar but strange scent that flitted around in memory without identifying itself. As usual, her curiosity prevailed over self-preservation, proving the reason why she needed the golden prince who had been born alongside her. Talitha's legs carried her across the ground with languid steps, searching for the source of the scent she had caught just barely on the breeze.

Of course, it led her to a cave. Everything strange and potentially dangerous led her to places where it could maximize the lack of safety. Her crimson eyes rolled as she gave an annoyed scoff, returning to the front in order to peer into the darkness. Her fingers clutched the edge of the opening, wondering what lived inside. There was something there, hidden amongst the shadows she didn't want to look at. Andrezej popped up in the corners of her mind, laughing in the cold way she remembered. Something about the cave itself was simply wrong. Wrong.

"Hello?" she murmured, voice laced with a sultry croon that she had acquired over the fall. If it was someone's home, she may as well know then. And if not, she wondered what had taken up residence.

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