I Hope You Choke, I Know You'll Choke
3+←Word Count :: please don't hate me ;; <3

The air was fresh and cool, not yet bitter enough to send China indoors. She was a fickle creature, one who despised being caged within the walls of a man-made structure, but who found intense pleasure in exploring such places. She had been drawn to the Manor for a while now, and after a brief exploration in which she had met a much dilapidated fellow by the name of Cassius, had sated her urge to search the chambers therein any further.

However, this in no way stemmed the girl's insatiable curiosity for its inhabitants. On this day, she and her beloved sister Sage had parted ways in the morning, each eager to find out more about their home and the eclectic individuals they were now to call 'family'. China had made her way back into the heart of Inferni territory, keen to meet and greet more of the strange and wondrous pack members.

She did not see the small rust-hued male at first; Oh no, her attention was far more deviated by the giant black beast who followed him with the obedience of a big, dopey dog. The creature was like no other she had ever seen before - A mountain of rippling ebony muscle. Was it prey? It looked far too big to be prey, and China despised the thought of killing such a magnificent creature. In fact, she despised the thought of killing in general, and saw each life as indefinably precious to the Earthmother.

This was why she intervened when the lanky optime fellow disposed of the prey he had caught. Sure, it wasn't much - A measly little mole - but that little creature had given its life to feed him, and he was tossing it away. What blasphemy! "Excuse me!" Even cross as she was, the hippie child's voice was smooth and sweet, delicate, like the babbling voice of a small fast-flowing creek. "Mister! You there, with the big black... Thing!" She emerged from the scrub and closed the distance between them, slowing only when she realised that the giant ebony equine looked far more dangerous up close. Denim skirt flounced slightly as she shifted her weight, nervous, cross and curious all at the same time. "You shouldn't throw it away, you know. Then it would have died in vain." Her voice was accusatory, but the slender girl batted thick ebony lashes as the brute, and offered him a quick white smile regardless. She did not want to offend, merely to educate the brutal critters who lived in this land to the ways of the wondrous Earthmother.

table by kiki. image credit here.
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