
Word Count→303 ::

The darkness warped as something stirred, leaving Talitha with a sense of foreboding that was unfamiliar. Something was there, and it was wrong, and she shouldn't have approached. She certainly shouldn't have said hello. She shouldn't have invited it into the light. But it came anyways, with crimson eyes and feral gaze, springing from her nightmares into the snow that surrounded her. Startled, she stumbled back, losing balance and falling into the blanketed white that sat beneath her. A monster from her memories, lacking the booze-laced aura he owned back then. Something named only by stories from the pack.

"Gabriel. Darling Gabriel made you."

She watched the stranger-Lykoi's eyes shrink down and listened as his words faded into nothing. Like the princess she was, she gave a grimace at the ground and pulled herself up, wrapping an arm about the splintered ribs she would suffer later. Her maw opened briefly, but closed, no words escaping. What could she say to this clearly insanity? He was gone, mentally. Far gone. Her Massacre eyes cast curious glances over his body as she sought for something to reply with.

"Yes. He's my father, don't you remember?" she asked the monster who had emerged from its den. A wary murmur, filled with the knowledge that she could be in danger, so far away from her saviour and her hero. Gabriel would be furious, and if he wasn't then Ezekiel would be. But her curiosity had brought her there, and her curiosity and fear kept her rooted in place. "If you're a Lykoi, why aren't you in Inferni." Her eyes danced over his crimson Star, marking him as blood. Some strange and distant blood who was no longer a member of her family, not if he willingly took his place outside of the hallowed halls of her kingdom.

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