white is the new black
You can see her whenever it rains

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ Tayui nodded, smiling, as Pilot spoke of the goings-on of his own pack. She had heard of the puppies only in passing, something that had been mentioned to her by another the Storm wolf she had met when she was talking a walk through the Yawrah River Territory a short time ago. She could easily relate to the male's current situation, with Fatin's brood running amuck, Calypso's daughter, Sophia, and Deuce's own, Shadow. It was an interesting, but busy time indeed.
___ "I wrote down much of what you told me, and tried to practise it regularly. Bandit has been by a few times, and has been, ah... helpful in the learning process." She laughed as she spoke, shaking her head in wonder. It was strange how Bandit had disappeared more and more frequently, but he always seemed to return. She had since picked up on a few things, and had come to be able to say a wide array of curse words, and foul phrases. She just hoped she would be able to forget those, or unlearn them if that was even possible.

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