my sunshine

Word Count→386 ::

and the shade replied, with a graceful glide, “Why I'm the ghost of a flower.”

Her fingers pushed back tendrils of curling brown out of her eyes while they traipsed across his pelt and features, keeping a smile on her maw. He was warm, and she was comfortable. There was no reason to be distressed like she normally was. This was a time for healing and growing, to make a friend, even if he'd never be accepted in her world. A friend was a friend, though, no matter where they stayed. He didn't have to be a coyote to make her comfortable. Or so she hoped.

The boy wasn't a part of any pack, and it was clear the russet fae was shocked to hear the news. He did, once, live with others, but something changed. Something must have happened to send him out of the borders of family and into the wilds of the world around them. A "vagabond", as he so charmingly referred to it. In silence, with no change of expression, she thought of her own excursions alone, into Drifter's Bay. Of the pain that had come with it, the blood, the depression. Of queer little Myron who took such good care of her and sent her back to daddy.

She turned her head down, snuffing back a faint whimper of distress. It wasn't the time for thoughts like that, and it wasn't the time to be sad. The time was right to get to know the strange man she was using as a piece of furniture. The man who had been smiling, but who had turned into a somber mask once again. Talitha shifted beside him, getting more comfortable. "I've lived alone before," she crooned, turning her nose back to his cheek. The serious facade didn't suit him, she thought. It didn't suit him at all.

Gently, she moved forward to press her nose against his cheek, hoping he wouldn't pull himself away before the act of subtle affection was over. It wasn't love, or even really strong care, for Caillen that drove her to do what she did, but the fact that he seemed sad about the pack. It was an attempt to make him smile, or laugh, or even stammer. In the back of her mind, she thought it might be cute if he stammered out in surprise, with his accent lacing each stunted word.

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