only take what you can carry
The Russian male walked with soft steps down the snow hills, big round feet preventing him to dig too deep into the snow. His bandana was tied tight around his neck, which was the place her felt cold most. It was almost ironical, since his throath and chest was most hairy parts of his whole body. Even so, it must of be phsycological or something.

He sure was glad Juju was well. The male had checked on her before leaving the cave system, and she seemed to be bouncing back quicker than he thought. The whole situation had surely scared him at first, but since she was fine now, there no reason to be afraid anymore. They had made sure to be more careful around the mountains and the foreign wolf made sure to scan the higher areas and assure the snow was safe enough for now, and not endangering another avalanche.

Now, with some ropes Miss Liliana had given him to train lassoing, purple eyes scanned the area for possible preys. He could see him, but Theodore was surely around. Ever since that event on the beach, their connection had gotten deeper and deeper, and the Russian felt secure in saying they were friends. The mutual respect and trust they now held felt as strong as the ex-Captain felt to his underlings back at his former pack.

Then, the muffled sound of hooves sinking into the snow called his attention. Ears and eyes darted to said direction, and a small group of mountain goats appeared not too far, their off white pelt making it hard to distinguish them apart from the snow. And they were right where he wanted them to.

The male had been tracking them since he was analizing the snow of the mountains, and he found them the perfect subjects for his lassoing trainning. Soon. Very soon, they would be tied up with a rope on their neck, on their way to the caves. Not that it would be that easy, but he knew the lassoing part would. The whole taming and controling part would be the tough part. Oh, it sure would.

But no mind that, time to focus on the task at hand.

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