Let it creep in.

[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

What do you think? Want to end it here or keep going?

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

The wandering, the constant lost feeling, eternal loneliness. That seemed to be yet another inheritable trait of their family. One that Cercelee wished to avoid, another reason she denied the relations. If she wasn’t really a Sadira, their unhappiness, the instability could not possibly be coursing through her veins as well. Iskata’s confession of not being entirely loyal to attendance at Clouded Tears and her lack of direction now was not really surprising, not when she compared her aunt to what she knew of her family, her father, the cousins that they knew. Cercelee smiled sadly at Iskata, not just because Iskata was exactly what Cercelee was denying, but also because Iskata spoke the truth. Cercelee had gone back to Clouded Tears because she had not known where else to go, and now she was just following Colibri blindly. Yet Cercelee was happy with that choice, she wasn’t sure if Iskata was happy wandering.

Oh, I’m sure that there are far more of us that I will ever meet, and I’m positive that you and I will both run into more than our far share of them. Partly a joke but mostly just the truth. The longer she was around these wolves, those that had fled the fire, the more she knew it to be true. Cercelee had run into more than enough “family” for her taste already, and she was sure that she’d run into more. Not that she disliked them for who they were, they couldn’t help that. They could be friends, even close. Cercelee liked Colibri and Mew despite what relatives they might have in common, but she didn’t care about them because they were family. She only cared for them because she had chosen to. Looking to Iskata, the younger female wondered if they would ever be on the same page. Although their paths may cross again, Cercelee wasn’t sure that they would ever have a meeting of the minds. I hope you find what you’re looking for as well. Cercelee gave the female another look over with her phantom eyes, and smiled genuinely, deciding that aunt or not, Iskata was alright.


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