Joining 'leader needed'
(I didn't know how to put in the htmls either so thanks)
(Judging from your profile your in Optime form right?) Anastasia growled. She was not going to act weak. She was an alpha's daughter. She may not be now, but she still had the talents of one. This acting nice and innocent made her sick. Obviously this wolf did not care, so why should she? "Yes, I've come to join." She also added a hardened tone. She glared at the wolf, her electric blue eyes glittering with her odd silver tint. When she was younger, and when she had not know she and her father were shifting Luprici, she had heard the other wolves whispering about her and her oddities, but she did not know why. She had always insisted they tell her but they would lie. Finally her parents told her and who she was. She had then openly challenged anyone who said she was 'different'. She had found another like her, but she would still have to prove herself.
She sat down again and looked up. "It depends what you would call my talents. What would you expect from me?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. "My name is Anastasia, by the way. I don't not like to be called 'miss' or 'little girl', please." She put sharpness on the word please , making sure the other wolf knew she was not being polite. She swiped her tail across ed the ground and lowered it on her paws, waiting for a response.

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