Chasing Flight
Quote:OOC~ Sorry for the wait. haha. Smile

Her ears went back slightly in irritation when the brute spoke about the hawk being scared. The she wolf snorted and her eyes gazed again up at the sky.

That bird, terrified? She asked herself. No, its wasn't terrified of me, it knew I fallowed it. She snorted in annoyance and set her gaze once more upon the male wolf. She listened as he explained his reason for fallowing after her. She sighed. Talking with someone was a bonus for random interactions.

“Well as you can see, I’m fine.” She stood up, eyes still focused on the other as he explained about his recent hunts. She sighed, rodents are off the menu; she snorted to herself.

She took a step down from where she had been resting; it was only a few feet from where Leon had sat. She held her body stiffly as if she was on guard and ever aware of the other wolf’s movements, her head was held parallel to her shoulders. She went to stand beside him, her steps showing no signs of pain as she put weight on her right paw.

“It’s winter,” She stated. “And I can’t remember the last time I hunted…” It’s because I’ve been oblivious to reality since I climbed out of that pit, she told herself. “I was thinking rabbit…There could by a rabbit hole somewhere.”

She moved forward, nose lifted to the sky and nostrils flared in attempt to pick up a scent. “We could find us a rabbits’ den…” As she spoke, her mind ran with the details of this peculiar hunt. “Every rabbits’ den has atleast two exits, one to go in the other to come out if trapped by a predator.” She stated again walking to the edge of the very small clearing that she found herself in. “If you are willing,” She glanced behind her to Leon.

“We must find both holes to the den, one of us must stand at one hole while the other goes to the other side.” She paused only briefly to turn her gaze back to the trees, “the other must startle the hares to run through the other hole where the other of us will be waiting.”

She stopped speaking to turn around and face Leon; she then sat with her back towards the trees.

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