my sunshine

Word Count→342 ::

and the shade replied, with a graceful glide, “Why I'm the ghost of a flower.”

"Of course not, m'lady. Of course not." Something in his words made her wonder if he truly believed her to be a delicate flower. It was an interesting idea; she hadn't be raised like a dainty princess, even if she believed she was one. She had gotten into messes, and caused trouble, and gone through pain and trauma and horrors that would have destroyed any true china doll. Talitha Lykoi was small and inexperienced, but she wouldn't call herself weak. And yet, as she sat in his arms, comfortable and almost happy, the idea of being so fragile seemed a nice one.

Her focus on his scarf brought his focus to the item as well, but it was brief. As soon as it slipped to the side, revealing the pendant beneath it, her crimson gaze focused on the jewelry instead. It was beautiful. She'd never seen intricate pieces, items that showed details and seemed so realistic. Her breath caught for a moment, fingers reaching out to grasp it with care. A stag, with a beautiful blue disc settled between the two antlers. She wondered the story behind it, history that led to its home about Caillen's neck.

She started to speak, but was cut off at the sound of a sharp growl, her ears swiveling in search of the culprit. A moment passed before she realized it had been her new companion. Rather, it had been his stomach. It made her realize just how hungry she was herself. She hadn't eaten that morning, or the night before. Winter was hard on everyone, though her appetite waned for other reasons. "Are you as hungry as I am?" she asked, shifting herself to allow for her head to rest on the man's shoulder. The woman was fully prepared to hunt for him, to prepare a meal, even if it was simple. Her place was to take care of those who cared for her, and he had sacrificed his own time to ensure her safety. He deserved to be pampered while she had the stamina.

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