how have you lost touch with this?

His eyelashes fluttered as a soft hand lifted his arm from the frigid snow. A voice called his name and asked if it was heard, echoing from far away as if through a long tunnel. An alien moan sounded from the distance, but it was several seconds before the boy realized that he had emitted the agonized sound. As he regained consciousness, the pain returned, a deep ache that dominated his entire body. Oak slowly lifted his face from the snow, deep blue eyes locking warily on the angelic face above. In the lingering haze of the black-out he was confused and delusional, and he wondered if he had died and the lovely, pale face was that of a messenger who would take him away. His fearful heart beat against his ribs — he was not ready for death. As the moments passed, however, his mind cleared and he realized that he would not be so cold and in so much pain if his life had been taken from him.

Am-Amata? he croaked, his voice muffled and slurred. He had gained bruises and scrapes while roughhousing with his brothers, but he had never experienced pain like this. His forehead throbbed where it had hit the ground and burst open, his limbs stinging with multitudes of open cuts. Amata's face wavered, like he was looking at her from underwater. The rust-furred boy whimpered as he pushed his hands into the snow and attempted to pull himself up. I-I fell, he spoke, slipping back onto his belly and whining softly as his wounded flesh scraped against the harsh icy snow. He rolled onto his back, wincing as needles of pain pierced him. Slowly the injured pup sat up, breathing deeply.

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