

It seemed he did remember her, and her father, and he knew they were connected by blood. Her ears had caught stories of the unwanted beast who still lived amongst them. The Uncle she had never put a face to. Her head didn't draw his name from the archives, uncaring. Who he was didn't matter at the moment, not outside of her coyote-run kingdom. In the snow, he was like any other bastard child of hybrids, nameless and unimportant. Talitha's fingers dusted snow from the grey, worn skirt that wrapped carefully around her hips.

He laughed at her question, and her mind turned from the possibility that another family member could return to the fold. The man who was before her, frazzled and insane, was no Lykoi. He was nothing, not anymore. Her crimson eyes, eyes that mirrored his but came from a different strain of family, narrowed at his laughter, at his words. "I choose not to be." Her head tilted to the side, wondering what sort of beast she had come upon who didn't wish to be with the family that made him.

"Then what are you, if not a Lykoi?" she asked. Though others might have accepted him as what he was, the de le Poer princess felt differently. Lykois stayed inside of Inferni. Even the more vile ones that she refused to trust, like Sepirah. She had never seen outsiders bearing the crimson star, but this male did. She had never seen outsiders claim lineage from Kaena Lykoi, but this one did. Somehow. Still, she placed him in the category of outsider, and outsiders couldn't be family in the mind of the hybrid female.

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