[M] - Silence of a Soul

OOC: No problem Smile


Jaden listened intently to the stranger as he gave his name. Conor. The way he spoke of his pack ensured a high-ranking position in it as well. Whether he was Alpha or not, the Alaskan wasn’t sure. When Conor asked unexpectedly what Jaden’s plans were now, he was caught off guard. Not only because it was a slightly personal question to ask someone you hardly knew, but also because Jaden really didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to admit that he was repaying someone else for save his life by taking another. If his target was a friend of this male, he might decide against letting Jaden go. “I have traveled here to meet an old friend of mine.” Jaden said, standing up strait from the tree had rested on, but keeping his tail low and averting his gaze, “He might have some advise for me.” He lied then hesitated. It seemed like an impolitely curt answer for his savior. What to do after business was taken care of was something Jaden had no answers for though. He knew no one. He had nowhere to go. Life just fell into a meaningless expanse of time. “After that… I haven’t the slightest idea.” Jaden sighed truthfully.

The shallow, but long cut running down the Optime’s white fur beckoned with pain when he stood strait. It needed to be treated, and since Jaden had declined the help of this stranger, he was going to have to do it himself. He fetched the brown satchel from his back and brushed the snow from its straps and pouch. The bag was in thankfully in good condition after the battles it had been worn through. The medical supplies inside looked to be sufficient, until Jaden realized he had no more cloth or bandage. “I could actually use some assistance with this wound. I don’t have all of the supplies I need.” His ears flattened with embarrassment and he with drew a glass vile with some antibacterial fluid in it. “The cloth I had didn’t last me very long.” He shrugging his shoulder to indicate the still fresh puncture wounds bandaged there.

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