Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
She ran eyes sky bond at the red feathers of the hawk she chased. She was always chasing it, always running behind its flight. She couldn’t understand the desire it caused within her, but no matter, this timber wolf found herself running once more on a moon raised day, chasing after a hawk. It had always seem to find her, whereever she was, that hawk would always show up. It would always land where her eyes would gaze upon it. It would mock her, tease her, and tell her to run after it, well not literally tell her. The bird never once spoke to her, she simply assumed and then chased.

Now she was not sure if it truly was the same bird, but it did not matter to her, all she wanted to do was capture it, pull it from the skies and claim it as her own. It was her own personal obsession.

The she wolf was unaware of her surroundings, and unaware of the small stump that had rooted itself with in her path. She did not see what was around her, for her eyes and focus were on the hawk soaring indifferently to the wolf chasing it from below.

A loud yelp and she was maw first in the ground, the hawk now far from her gaze. The she wolf mumbled and snarled at herself for her clumsiness, as she fought for her footing once more. She shook the dirt from herself, and returned to the reality of the world. The bird took reality from her; now that she was free from her chase, she looked around her.

Only a few paces from her, she saw him, standing all in white. She blinked; she had never seen a wolf with fur so pure before. She stood only a few paces away, ears erected with awareness of this new sight. She did not move, did not act. The female was frozen in place; her oblivious manner to reality had caused her to lose her track of mind. For the hawk that had flown above had consumed her, but now that she stood in reality, she had forgotten for only a moment how to act.

She took a step forward, ears that were once held up and straight were now lowered in miner curiosity and curtsy, but her tail was held in semi aggression a warning to this other wolf that if he stood as a threat she would not hesitate to protect herself.

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