Urgent Calls

Word Count → 338

Another thing was out of place with Orin. As they stood outside in the fading light, exposed to the chill of winter, she shivered. Never had the woman shivered before in Niro's presence if not for some great reason, usually a terrible ghost story or when faced by some fearsome foe in Florida. There were no enemies around now, and no one was telling stories. She shivered because she was actually cold.

She let go of her brother after a moment, coming to stand in front of him only inches apart. “No, it's not like that. Well, yes, it kind of is.” She was unsteady, uncertain how to begin. Before growing too frustrated she shook her head and gestured over her shoulder. “I can't think out here in the cold. Can we go back to my bookstore? We'll still be left alone there, but I don't want to be out here.” Her eyes scanned the borders. It was not a fun place to be as weak as she was. Sure, she had not personally met danger on the borders yet, and Niro was here to protect her, but if someone came before she had the chance to explain exactly who Niro would be protecting... Orin was not interested in taking the chance. Not now.

“We can tether your mare to a post outside,” she said as she moved to grab the reins, then realized there were none. Oh well, she would have to leave leading it to Niro. “Or, there are other places it can wait for you. The stables may be ready for boarders, or we can find another building to stow her in in the mean time. But come, I want to be in my home. And then you can see it, too.”

She turn and started to walk off, her paces careful. Her eyes watched the ground, though rather than in dejection, it was more like she studied her footfalls, ensuring that she would not falter, for she carried precious cargo.

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