break through the ice

Sorry for the hold-up! 300+

The adrenaline rush of needing to get his family to safety in the midst of the winter storm had left the Knight drained upon completion of that task. Haven did not think he had ever been so worried in his entire life, not even when he had been grappling with that pale loner in a struggle of life and death. To keep his children safe, he had needed to put them in harm's way, and it had shaken him to his very core. Thank the powers that be that Linden, Robin, and Felicity had all made it through the dangerous trek just fine and now they were tucked safely inside the warm hotel. It had been tough for him to decide to leave Princess and his newborns behind, even for a short time, but there was one member of his family here that he did not know the condition of: Drogon. Now that Heath was gone, there was no one expressly in charge of the horses' care, though many had picked up the slack in the wake of the Marshall's departure. Now it was incredibly important to check on the welfare of the horses, and of the structure they called home itself.

For the second time in only a few days, the Aatte had taken to his rarely used secui form and now plowed through the snow behind his younger brother on their way to the Niobrara Stables. As they moved through the deep snow, Haven marveled at the size and strength of his adopted sibling. Alder may have been younger than the Seneschal, but that was where any notion of "little" ended. The masked male was intimidatingly large and there was no doubt of his physical strength, even if the boy did not really know how to use it. If it weren't for the direness of the situation, he might have laughed at Alder's urging, but there was no laughter to be found out in the cold world.

As they reached the stables his bi-colored ears could pick up on the sounds of the horses and immediately saw how the doors were buried shut by the drifting snow. Someone was already there, trying vainly to dig the entrance out, but the Knight burst forward and instantly began to dig deeply and quickly into the imposing drifts. His large paws made good scoops, and Alder's would be even more so. Soon they would be able to make it inside.

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