my sunshine

Word Count→327 ::

and the shade replied, with a graceful glide, “Why I'm the ghost of a flower.”

Her own stomach turned uncomfortably as she realized how hungry she truly was. Food would be a wonderful gift at the moment, and she was sure it was the same for the male who had found her. Her crimson eyes wandered over his features in wonderment as she contemplated taking him back to Inferni in order to feed him; the idea was quickly dashed by the image of her father's livid face and Ezekiel's golden gaze. Bringing home an outsider who was so clearly wolf would make her no better than the ones who had helped the wolves during the wars.

A wounding thought entered her mind, causing her to pull her smaller body away from the warmth he offered. He was not a coyote. He wasn't a wolf-bound family member who was cursed with the same disease Gabriel had bestowed on his twins. He was just a lone male who bore the same curse, and she shouldn't have begun to feel so comfortable. She stood, pushing her curls out of her face and turning her back to him.

"I shouldn't be here," she stated simply, crossing her arms just beneath her ribs. Though she knew she should be back in Inferni, it was too late to leave. She couldn't walk back down the mountains without significant help, and she didn't want to risk him getting too close. A soft sigh escaped from her cream maw as she tried to push the unease to the back of her mind.

Food needed to be handled first, and she turned back to face him again with a look of sorrow hidden amongst the crimson irises. "I can walk, if you can show me," she offered, gesturing with a fluid movement to the opening of the cave. It was too late to turn back that she had so quickly tore herself from his embrace, but she didn't want to dwell on the thoughts that had been bred into her mind.

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