and the shade replied, with a graceful glide, “Why I'm the ghost of a flower.”

"I am a Lykoi."

His voice rose a notch as he refuted her words, and she could sense the anger she had caused in her declaration. But it was true. In the crimson eyes of the de le Poer princess, the male who was before her lacked the true loyalties of anyone who deserved a Lykoi name. He thought otherwise. "I don't need to swear loyalty to your father to prove that." Her ears swiveled to the words, face falling solemn and eyes narrowing as she watched him against the snowy ground.

"You don't need to swear loyalty to my father, no, but Lykois don't deserve breath outside of Inferni," she shot back, fingers clenching into fists against her arms. Inferni, her motherland. Her home. And he cast it aside for reasons unknown, but reasons unworthy. Talitha's head twitched upward ever so slightly, a regal motion to give regal stance. Her mind hadn't changed for years, and it certainly wouldn't afford her the chance to walk away with her skin as she argued his lineage with him.

She argued with a madman, of course, but her pride held firm.

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