Another disaster
Word Count→540

The moment she heard Sankara's voice trail through the forest again she spun around and lurched towards it. With a spray of snow, Orin burst through the brush thicket that was concealing Sankara, snapping branches and sending the snow that coated the bushes flying in all directions. Her honey eyes bugged when she looked down and saw her friend, laying prone and helpless, trapped beneath the crushing weight of the fallen trees.

She gasped and cried out in surprise, her hands flying to her mouth, but she did not stand in stunned paralysis for long. Her eyes flicked over the scene; Sankara pressed against the snow, the weight of the tree on her back. She had to do something to help her friend, and by the looks of the way the precarious trunk rested on the other, she had very little time to figure it out. Sankara said something about getting help, but a stone had settled in to Orin's gut. If she left to find help now she had a feeling that her friend would not be so lively by the time she returned.

“There's no time,” she said, her voice surprisingly calm despite being laced with urgency. She spun around to inspect the clearing, and her body knew what she was going to do before her brain was certain. She was in motion again, disappearing through the bushes. When she came back she rolled a sizable rock in front of her. It plowed through the bushes leaving them in splinters. She rolled the stone until it was near Sankara, positioned just under the place where one tree rested so perilously on the other. As she did so, the tree seemed to shift again, and she looked at Sankara, alarmed. “Hang in there Kara, just another minute.”

She was off again, this time dashing towards a pile of debris. She climbed onto the pile, searching the bits of wood until she came across a thick, formidable branch. She tugged the branch but it was lodged tight, so she gave another great heave and it released from the rubble. The branch was too big for her to pick up without over-exerting herself, so much in the fashion that she transported the rock, she dragged the branch back to Sankara.

“How are you doing? Does it hurt?” She asked but didn't wait for the answer, leaning the branch up against the stone and then pushing it until it was supported by the stone. A moment later, she wedged the branch beneath the great trunk that pinned Sankara, and the limb suddenly became a makeshift lever – the rock the fulcrum.

“This won't raise the tree very far,” she said, informatively. She was trying to remain calm for Sankara's sake. She moved over to her friend and knelt down in front of her – at least the best that she could with her rounded belly. “But it should lift it up enough for you to get out. On the count of three I'm going to yank down on this as hard as I can. The second I do that, you get out of there. If it's still too tight dig at the snow with your paws. Okay?”

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