Out of Character

WC: 312 OOC: Hello! Welcome to ‘Souls and Cercatori. I will help guide you through the worst part of this process… Joining. Now I see a few things that could use a bit of a change. You have posted the OOC information 2 times. If you could take one away that would help me out. also Cercatori has it’s own form which asks you the Art rank you would prefer, if you head here: Ranks then you can see what the ranks are. You can over over the names to see what they say as they are in itallian. There are other things I would like to Address but this last bit is important for your joining process. Any questions, you can PM me Smile

In Character

Shaw was a happy camper, that’s all he could say, though the snowstorm had ruined so much in his life, it also helped him bond with his pack mates, taught him a few new strategies to go about fixing things, and now he was what Sky would call “Engaged”… not mates but not courting either. This confused the big male to no end. That mattered little though, he was one step closer to being her mate. He pulled up his flute, the wood was starting to splinter, and he felt bad, he would have to make a new flute again, hopefully he could wait until spring. He started playing a happy melody, though not one too fast, but it was not too slow either. He was playing out his mood pretty much, and it was quite a happy one.

He was doing his normal patrols, making sure all was good on the borders when he saw a figure, it was not white enough to hide in the snow, so he was able to see her first glimpse. His music stopped immediately, and he smiled, though she seemed to be eating “berries” an eye quirked, they were old, and useless to eat.

Hello, My name is Shawchert Menue, you have come to the borders of my pack, Cercatori d’arte.

He said, it was a warning that she would soon be on his land and possibly trespassing, and there would be little excuse to go about not knowing the land was owned as he could smell the border marks quite clearly. He looked at the wolf curiously. He was so much taller than she was, and hoped he didn’t scare her. He knew his height was a bit daunting, though he was a real softy underneath. He watched for her reaction, wondering if she was just lost or she needed a place to stay.

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Table by Shannon B


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