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OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Word Count → 517

Ouija didn't see anything strange with carrying around a bag. He often carried his satchel around with him when he left the pack's lands. It allowed for him to carry around things important to him as well as to pick up new things. Just as he had in Halifax when he had first met Addison. He figured she was doing the same. That maybe she had found some things in her travel that she wanted. That she had come here to rest for a day or so before continuing on her way. But then she said she wanted to stay permanently. Well that certainly changed things.

"Oh, in that case we should then." He sent up a quick howl to alert the leadership of a new member wanting acceptance. "Someone should be around shortly, I think. I don't really know. Everyone stays in Thornbury so I never see them." He shrugged a bit. He pretty much just stayed on the pack's lands but didn't really feel close to the members of the pack itself. There were a few that had caught his eye but there wasn't really any sort of relationship there.

When he had made a move to embrace her and she just moved away from his he sighed and just dropped his arms. He knelt down to scoop up King into his arms when the cub had moved forward to try and sniff at Addison. "No, we don't touch her." He scolded King gently, tapping the cub cradled in his arm on the nose. He then looked back to Addison, not letting the cub back down. "I can show you to Thornbury after you are accepted. Or whoever comes can since they will be heading that way." Actually he was considering just returning to his den and letting her wait here for the leader since she seemed to have gone right back to not trusting him.

He had even turned to face the direction of his den before sitting down and resting his back against a nearby tree. He would just wait for Shaw or Skye and then he could take off. She didn't want to be near him again and so he wouldn't force it. Instead he focused on the squirming cub that he had placed on his lap and rubbed at King's belly to try and calm him. He blinked in surprise at Addison's declaration. He didn't see what was so wrong with what he had said but he had clearly upset her. "What is wrong with...?" He shook his head and cut himself off. She was already upset and questioning it would probably make her even more upset. "Well then I'll be there for them as long as you allow it." The way she was acting he wouldn't seek to impose on her life and so he would just interact with the pups whenever she wasn't around. To him that sounded to be the best compromise for the current situation. She didn't want to be touched by him again and so he was keeping his distance, barely even looking at her either.

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