I Hope You Choke, I Know You'll Choke

OOC: ilu2 <3 +3

The woman had a funny way of speaking. It made one of those large, rust coydog ears twitch and then pull back. His head tilted slightly to the right and his pierced brow would cock at her. He shook the expression from his face rather quickly though, and he had just watched her. He was reluctant to respond to her for what reason he did not know. He saw as she looked at the mole, but seemed disinterested in it as well. At least he wasn't the only one who wouldn't eat it. Cotl's maw held that curt frown that it always did (when he didn't have that wicked grin on his face that was.) and he stood there. He was as still as he could be, the breeze of the winter's afternoon had blown his hair in his face a little more and some of the longer strands snaked around in the air in whatever direction the wind had been blowing them. The woman spoke of who she was in relation to the Lykois, Kaena being her grandmother. Cotl did remember a mention of a Razekael, but Cotl never met the man face to face before. Cotl noted this fact, and he cleared his throat. His grim frown did not soften at all, given this new information, nor did his demeanor.

She then would introduce herself as China Rose. She wanted to just be called China though, which was fine with Cotl because he would have picked only one name to call her anyways. The rust man twitched his neck and clear his throat. The woman quickly switched subjects, going on to ask him what Maschine was exactly. Had she never seen a horse before? Cotl guessed not. -FUCKINGCOCKFACE- the words were loud and abrupt. Maschine ist ein horse. Ich uses him fur riding, pulling stuffs. He's ein gut horse. the man spoke about the steed, petting the horse's neck as he stood there with the steed in front of the ash, cream and russet colored woman.

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