Sand between my toes
OOC: Hey sorry about all that, my computer had a virus o.O

Ren smiled when the male talked of his coompanion. It was good to see how some people still loved and respected the creatures in the wilderness around them. She couldnt help but chuckle alittle bit when he mentioned his companion being vain. "Its nice to meet you Marahute." She smiled again before her mind brought her duty back on hand. Ambassador remember? Her mind seemed to whisper her duties to her, she sighed lightly, she would have to come back when duty didnt call her here and talk more of falcons and the prevention of war with the male. He seemed like the type of person she could have a decent conversation with.

"Do forgive me, would you mind showing me around your pack lands? I would love to become more familiar with the place you call home." She really hoped noone thought her as a spy. She wasnt even close to even thinking of betraying the packs she came to know. Even though her loyalties where with her pack it would also be her duty to help Geneva and Jefferson help keep peace, even if that meant keeping the secrets of the land with her own self. Her paws where barely touching pack lines, she wanted to cross in but she waited so very patiently for the males welcome into his packland. If she was hoping to set up an alliance with the pack then she didnt want to do anything stupid to screw it up.

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