Urgent Calls

Word Count → 222 :: <3

Niro was really worried now, and he showed it as she mentined it was that she had been hurt… kind of? There was no such thing as kind of hurt… she was either hurt or not, and in his mind, kind of meant she got hurt, and heads would roll. His control amost lost, as he slightly bared his teeth, but she spoke again, about the cold… the cold? They had never had a problem with the cold. He wasn’t going to make her stand out here though. He nodded, taking a hold of the halter that she had been wearing that day, there were no reigns or even rope, but it was only a good way to get her to follow him. He did not have the ability t make her follow without physically leading her. He followed Orin without a word. What could he say? He was trying to abate his anger right now, and that was not working as well as he’d hoped it would, he wanted to know what was wrong now, but as his sister had always been more of a leader than he ever was, he was not about to argue with her, even though he was going in someone else’s territory, and he was not sure he wanted to be there in the first place.

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Table by Sie


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