I'm not about to give thanks or apologize.

Her pulled her close, and she relaxed, able to listen to his words in comfort. As she had wanted, his story was about himself. And of course, the first thing he had managed to do when he left was get lost. A laugh escaped her. The image of Ezekiel and the grumpy badger was amusing, though a bit concerning at the same time. Badgers weren't known as 'kind'. But he had made it through, and seemed the stronger for it.

"When did you learn low-speech? Did daddy teach you?" Daddy was a word that often went unused, as the woman prefer father in circles where maturity gained her social status. Around the man himself, she didn't even use words. Not since her last disappearance had she called Gabriel anything to his face. She simply looked at him and spoke, and assumed he knew she was referring to him. She didn't expect Ezekiel to judge her for words, though, and felt comfortable classifying their sire as 'daddy' once more.

Low-speech was not something she had endeavored to excel in. Though she understood a word or two, purely through paying attention to others who knew it, she spoke high-speech exclusively. Another skill that her beautiful brother had managed to grasp and keep, putting him on a pedestal above her. He lived like the average canine, outside and in a cave, without clothes or many possessions, but he was far more intelligent than she had first realized upon his arrival. Self-conscious of the fact that she was leagues below him, she pulled herself from his embrace and returned to the task of clearing the den.

"I went to Drifter's Bay. Isn't that disappointing? I couldn't push myself to really adventure into anything new," she said, words bitter and soft. Maybe Myron lived closer to lands that weren't settled, but it was all the same to her. Drifter's Bay was the same as the coastline and no matter how far away from Inferni she managed to get, she really wasn't that far from home.


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