Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
Three weeks did not seem that long to the she wolf, but during the winter weather and the possible blizzards, then it would seem like ages during the travel. She sighed shortly and pondered upon her own time traveling alone. It had only been recently that she came out of her madness to reenter reality, and during her mindless wonder, she never did keep time. How could she? She was not even there mentally, but now, broken from her mental instability, she pondered on the time.

How long has it truly been? She asked herself as she forced the thought to the back of her mind. Her ears twitched to the sound of the little voice of the young wolf cub. She looked down at him warmly as he spoke. She could not help it but smile with in her heart, the little one was so cute, so innocent, so, AH! He is so bloody adorable! Her mind screamed as she listened to him explain to the her the distance his little paws had taken.

She listened quietly to the cub, smiling warmly throughout his entire speech. Once done, she gently shook her head to answer his questions.

“I’m not a bad wolf,” She told him. At least I try not to be… Her thoughts answered.

Through the gist of what she could gather in the cub’s speech structure, she gathered that these two had gone through much pain and lost. Just like her, but on a different level. She smiled and shook her head again to answer the young one’s other question.

“I don’t think I can be your mother,” She answered the little one. “But I can be your friend.”

With that, she turned her attention to Tailiesin who began to explain his son’s broken speech. She smiled warmly.

“I see,” She said listening to him tell her about an older sister he had that had the same name as her. She gazed up at him, “I have heard a tale from my father about the history of the name he gave to me.”

Her father had told her, when she had asked him about her name, if it was the one her mother gave her. When he told her that it was not she asked him again why he had given her that name. He had to explain to her the reason upon his choosing that certain name for her. It was a long telling, an explanation on how he did not know the name her mother gave her, and how he had given her the name because of the emotions surrounding her at that moment. It was a name that meant Sorrow, and a name that had seem to fit her all too well, for sorrow had lead a path that had followed her no matter where or who she was with.

“But I would like to hear it, this legend you know.” She gazed up at him, her mind focusing on the words she wished to hear from him. When Liam came to snuggle between her paws, she warmly looked down upon him, smiled, and then placed her gray orbs once more upon the pup’s father.

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