Add a little pinch of magic from my fairytale life

D:< sorry for the wait. 303 words: 3 points

Jace watched the drunken wolf warily from her perch in the tree. She was no stranger to the problems alcohol cause, especially within the minds of males. Memories of fires, fighting and fear upon the snow and the ice laced through her memory, creating a mental shudder. Of course the Alphas had punished the ones responsible suitably but the memory would never fade with the years, it was too vivid, too deeply engrained upon her psyche. Her tail twitched anxiously behind her, her ears flicking off the snow that sought to land upon them.

She gripped her newly acquired hunting knife in her paw tightly; she was not defenseless. The strength of her people thrummed through her veins, if need be she would execute it in a deadly force. Picking her way carefully through the branches, she followed the inebriated clown. Her muzzle wrinkled in disdain at his careless attitude to set boundaries and common courtesy and his complete disregard for the fact that someone could and probably would injure themselves upon the smashed glass now strewn around the base of the tree, she made a mental note to return later and clear up his mess. As she observed eventually she felt she had to act as he was beginning to move away from the borders and into the pack's land.

Silently dropping from the tree, her paws crunching in the snow signalling her approach. She stopped at around 15 foot away from him, her expression molded to one of stern reproach and her voice echoing it,

"You are trespassing upon Phoenix Valley territory. What is your reason for doing so?" Her eyes looked over his form, appraising and sizing the intruder up. Definitely not for the first time within her life she wished she had gained the height of her people as well


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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