Counting Down the Hours

OOC: Meh at the end I decided to knock Falgar out. It seemed weird if he had been able to continue walking after continuously loosing blood. It seem poor Kami will have to carry him D=

WC: 600+


What he had feared for quite some time was finally happening, his brain was slowly loosing grip of his conscience with each passing minute, and the constant loose of blood being must likely the cause. For a short while he fought against fleeting away sensation, trying to focus on Kami’s movements as he circled him. A short lapse of desperation overcame him as he could no longer see the other wolf for a short amount of time; his head was wildly wiped around until he could finally see a black blur on his unfocused sight, finally getting back to normal at the same time as the pace of his heart slowed down.

“Maybe you are right, but if I don’t do it now…”

his own mind stopped him, making him think how foolish he was acting right now. He was injured, weak and half frozen, adding pain to the mix wouldn’t be much help on the current situation. Falgar rested his bloody maw on his chest, looking towards the tainted snow beneath him in defeat.

“Yes, yes you are right”

he wasn’t really noticing it but the broken record like repeats where the only things that his mind was allowed to occupy itself with, the rest of it was too busy not only fighting against the constant ache of his injuries but the constant waves of fatigue that where slowly coming down in him, making it harder to concentrate. Kami’s current attitude would have most likely caused a small frown upon the grey wolf’s expression, but currently he was unable to do so as he was even finding it hard to process emotions, a desperate sense of survival overcoming pretty much every function he had, but the call could not be answered by his ever growing weakness

“Walk? Yes I can do that”

he shakily moved apart from the broken tree, taking whole minutes to find stability on his now frozen legs. When he finally stood up he took his first step forward after being on the same position on what seemed to be hours. Without even having to take another step his face contorted in pure agony, his feet were in no way injured but the amount of time they had been still had practically turned them into stones, making it extremely hard to move without straining the muscles that had been pasted into position. With a soft groan he swallowed the pain and took another step and after that another one, with each one he took the torture they caused slowly began to dwindle.

Without taking a stop he focused his attention on the direction that Kami was pointing to, slowly moving forwards in slow and labored steps. Wherever Kami was taking him it to it had to be fast as he was unsure of how much he could keep himself awake, each single step took a bit of his consciousness away, the once clear as day sight turning cloudier and cloudier until he could only see a thin line of what was in front of him.

And with that he fell down, his mind not gone yet but his body no longer had the will to move and nothing to keep the flame of survival alive. He tried a few times to stand up, not wanting to look weak or frail on the eyes of his fellow pack mate but he was unable to lift himself up without the help of the broken hand, this making him fall on it a couple of times while he pushed the shout back by biting hard on his tongue.

“I am sorry Kami, I am…unable to…go on...”

with those final words he finally gave in to his fatigue. In almost an instant his brain shut off almost everything to keep the grey wolf alive, only motions that came from him where the shallow breathing and sometimes a sudden shake not only from the cold but for the torture he was bringing upon himself by falling on his now twisted up hand.

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