[M] SNAP!!
Alaki did not hold his warning and dashed forward, threatening the Spaniard. He attempted to stop him on his tracks, but wasn't fast enough and the dark gray man slipped through his fingers, slashing to the tan man. Luckily, it missed, and while he went back to his tracks, the katana hit J'Adore's shoulder hardly. Soon, however, the prey turned into the hunter and began to cut the air in front of him, finally hitting a strike on Alaki's jaw.

Before anymore moves could be made, the Russian got between the two of them. One of them hit his knee and his flank before he shoved the two fighters away from himself and from themselves, using the jet of adrenaline those hits gave him. The drops of blood dripped ever so slowly from the small cuts, but it only meant they caused a sharp and stingy pain, usually worst then the horrible, breath-taking pain a deep slice on his guts. Purple eyes shown his pain, but not his face or body. Only the anger that the other Anatheman had actually attacked him in order to get to the AniWayan, which might have trespassed, but was going to leave, nonetheless. And the ferrari man would of had, if the stupid warrior hadn't shown up and ruined it all.

J'Adore's voice sang from behind him, and only one of his ears shifted backwards. Not a breanch of a second of delay or hesitation came from him before he nodded in a yes to the Spaniard. His full attention was still on Alaki.

The Russian held his tail high and the fur along his spine spiked up like a porcupine's, and his purple eyes glared dangerously at the fellow packmate. He felt the anger rise on his every muscle and vein, but the Russian didn't allow it to rule his mind. It would of be a disaster, having two mad warriors. One might even get killed in the proccess.

He supported part of his weight in one of his arms while the other held his knife threateningly. Pearly white fangs appeared from a wide snarl, and a savage growl came from deep of his lungs, filling the stiff air around them and echoing lightly thanks to the trees. "I've warned you!" He said, voice mixed with the husky growl.

The Russian then used the snow to get a boost as he darted to the darker male, trying to using his blade as little as possible. His only goal was to imobilize Alaki, since J'Adore was fighting only to protect his life, not to take the life from someone else. With a tight fist, he aimed to punch Alaki's stomach of chest and take off his breath. Meanwhile, he'd knock him to the ground and attempt to hold back his arms so that he couldn't escape his grasp.

It was just the plan, though.

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