my sunshine

Word Count→000 :: Fail post. ;~; Sorry, Al.

and the shade replied, with a graceful glide, “Why I'm the ghost of a flower.”

She felt regret for leaving his arms, especially once she saw the way his ears flopped down and gaze fell. His apology twisted at a sense of remorse that lodged itself in the muscles of her heart, a final wrench given as he called her Lady once more. Her russet fingers tapped anxiously against her arms, trying to focus away from how she'd hurt him in such a short moment. Food was the topic of choice, the way to turn his mind (and hers) back onto the right track. She moved to the entrance, motioning and speaking. She could walk, certainly; even if she was ill, she didn't was far from weak. Far, far from weak.

Yes, Miss. His proper words made her smile again, a gentle twitch of the lips that was echoed by a deep sense of appreciation behind the ruby irises. He moved into the snow first, offering an arm to the rusted fae with all the charm of a gentleman. The surprise wasn't hidden behind any false feelings as she studied the gesture; never before had a male been so considerate, except perhaps her father and brother. Hesitant, she wrapped her arms around his bicep, pressing her cheek against the shoulder. The hug was brief, and she pulled herself away once again to give him room to walk. "They aren't far, are they? I don't want to go near the foot of the mountains. Someone might be looking for me," she whispered. The smile he offered caused her own to fade just slightly, but she pushed past it and returned the expression with a wide grin of her own.

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