rainbow world

@Shaw: LATE! I know. ;~; I was trying to do something else, and then I was like "HOMAGAWDWTFBBQ" and scrambled out a post for you.

Senorita balked at the appearance of new Luperci; it seemed Krystalle had been, well, wrong. Much to her pleasure, of course. The first was a male (a giant, really), made from a tan brown with some strange maroon patches, who offered a smile. At least he seems nice. Her internal vat of cheer bubbled over at the potential for new friends; unlike Mars, his maturing female friend wasn't really...mature. With a slight squeak of a laugh, she nudged the horse gently, but spoke to the stranger. "I'm looking for a friend, mi querido, and I think he came here!" Her eyes scanned the area behind him quietly.

Next came a female, with the most beautiful russet-hued hair! Krys openly gaped for just a moment before straightening up and picking at her ear, uneasy. It wasn't unlike her to simply stare, but she knew it was rude and it was not a good way to start off new interLuperci relations. If she had owned a tail, it would have waggled beneath the kilt she wrapped around her waist. "Beunos dias, senorita! I was just telling your friend that I think Mars is here," she rambled a bit as she explained in further detail, adding on with a quick gesture, "or Barty. Y'know. Whichever is around."

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