Love before you fall.

OOC here! Sounds good to me! wc; 322

He nodded evenly at her words- truth was the rabbit had not tasted all that bad - as she thought -when it got down to the actual flesh, but it could have tasted better as Frodo was known for his strange taste buds, the wolf preferring to cook things before eating them. She spoke to him, about the pack offering protection to him, and at this he grinned widely, alluring emerald twins sparkling excitedly.

"Well, yup, now that ya mention it, I can do quite a bit to help out. I'm agile so I can help with basic things like carrying, an' I can run if tha's whattya need. Ah'm a good rider, I can track animals and get ta places quickly. But, mah favorite thing, and the thing that ah'm best at, is Huntin'."

He gave another grin and then smiled up at her mare, deciding to walk up and see if she liked him. He walked slowly and carefully to not spook her, and gently murmured to the horse. Turning his head, he asked Liliana permission to touch the equine.

"Hey, would she mind if ah stroked 'er? Would ya mind?"
He then tilted his cranium and flashed the female wolf yet another one of his famous smiles, orbs sparkling. Frodo stood and admired the mare for a bit, blowing softly into her nares so that she would receive and hopefully remember his scent.
"She sure is pretty. What's 'er name?"

He shook his head in envy of her own smooth words in contrast to his own weirdly sentenced accent, but figured that he was stuck with his country accent whatever he did to change it. Of course, his voice also aided him in singing and it was partly because of his accent that he sounded pretty good, but he still detested speaking as it made him obvious- people knew he was from the country the minuet he opened his mouth.

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