
Her mind wandered over her own reasons for leaving as she waited for her uncle to respond. She wondered if his reasons were sound. Of course, when he revealed them, she saw that they weren't really. "I needed to find something." Something that was unknown to the rest of the world, located only in the mind of the twisted coyote uncle. He found it, or so he claimed. As she glanced around, she started to believe it was imaginary. There didn't seem to be anything there worth...finding. There wasn't anything that could be worth enough to leave a family and home behind, unless it hid in the darkness of the den.

She smiled, a return of expression in counter to Samael's strangely sinister face. "I suppose I've never lost something worth searching for. How far did you have to go to find it?" she inquired, straightening herself and pushing russet locks out of her face. Land was only so big before it turned into water and then back into land once more. How far did he need to travel before he came upon the treasure he had searched for?


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