Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
Quote:OOC~ Sorry for the late post Smile ....705 words. :| I'm surprised with myself lol

Deirdre listened intently on Tailiesin’s story, as he told the story she began to match the information within his tale to the one her father told her. She sighed and dropped her head slightly down, a breeze of sorrow devouring her as she listened. She lowered her gaze from the storyteller, and when soon the tale was over her gaze returned, and she found herself fighting to stand. She listened again, intently once more; to the young cub between her paws as he spoke of his disproval of how the story ended.

She sighed, and sat her neck high between her shoulders, her ears held slightly down in a silent sadness. “I have a different ending to that story,” she began. “It is still sad, for that story never has a happy ending.” She took a deep breath and exhale, life never has a happy ending, she told herself as she lowered her gaze from Tailiesin before she returned them and told him her version to the end of that story.

“Instead of living for a year with the king that took her as his, and then dying of heartache…” She hesitated with her part, pulling forth from memory her father’s tale. “Deirdre committed suicide.” She gazed up at Tailiesin, her eyes focusing on him. Her eyes shown with a strange emotion, a glint of something unexplained, but when looked within her gaze, another could see she bared great pain upon her heart, and felt a common feeling with the Deirdre of her father’s tale.

“Most of what you told, matches the one my father told me to explain the meaning in which my name was given.” She sighed, and picked up a gentle tone in which she told her part of the legend, “Naoise and Deirdre lived happily together for many years in Scotland, they even had a cub,” She sighed to the mention of these human characters having a cub, that she would probably never have. “But the human king that obsessed over the woman, never let up on his want of her,” She looked up at the sky momentarily to watch a winter song bird fly over head. She continued soon after, “He sent a spy, just as you said, to see if she was as beautiful as she once was.” Deirdre didn’t understand the concept of beauty that the now gone race saw as beauty, she remembered seeing drawings of humans in the books her father kept, but she never once thought of them as beautiful. “The first spy lied to this king in hopes to keep the mated pair safe,” she continued. “But the human king did not trust his first spy, so the king sent another, who proved more loyal to this king.”

“The king tricked the mated pair to return to his territory and upon their arrival to their old home, the human Deirdre soon realized that they had fallen into a trap set by the king.” She exhaled, “Her mate was killed by a man sent by the king who desired her…In the end she was mated to him, but as her life went on with him the king began to become frustrated with her hate of him, and offered her up to the man who killed her love.”

Her gaze went to Tailiesin, “He bonded her hands so she would not run, and put her in…” She searched for the word within the old human legend, “his chariot. Upon their travels to her new mate…She jumped from the chariot and bashed her head upon a rock, killing her instantly…” She sighed, and lowered her gaze. “But I suppose my side of this legend has a somewhat happy ending,” She added before continuing, “For my father told me, that upon this woman’s grave a pine tree grew, and upon the grave of her love did also another pine tree grow. These two pine trees grew so tall, that they reached for each other and intertwined.” She smiled gently, “I was told that the trees were the souls of these human lovers reaching out for one another so that they could be together, and never be pulled apart…”

She finished her tale on that note, and fell silent.

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