Spider, Son and Father
OOc: Frick I took forever... I'm so sorry. >< Some friends are sleeping over and I got distracted. Sad

Leon found himself smiling at the pup's response. "Ah, how foolish of me. Rock the spider must be happy to have you as a friend." He said happily. The Luperci, now in Lupus form, walked quickly to keep close to his son. His smile remained, and he trusted this wolf would not attack unless provoked before his son.

"A pleasure to meet you J'adore Austral, my name is Leon ven Liudesys." He replied politely. He was the intruder here, and would show humility. "Your son... He is a very happy kid it would appear." He commented, grinning after the pup, recalling his own early childhood. "I apologize for intruding, but I heard you from down the way, and my curiosity got the best of me. I was curious of who was yelling here." Leon stated, hoping his intentions were not odd to this male.

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