Spider, Son and Father
OOC- No problem XD

J'adore nodded, 'He is certainly active'. Leon spoke of his intrusion and the Spaniard shook his head, 'No, this is neutral territory. Your as welcome here as me' he paused and gave a smile, 'You can't be too careful with pups though, I'm still gettting used to it'.

He had only become aquainted with his son a few days ago, when he was a small, black, dreched, timid, under nourished and frightened hybrid boy pup cuddling up to his mother's dead body. But since Valinta and J'adore had adopted him, he had filled out and fully regarded them as his parents.

'Daaaaaddy!?' Gunnar callled louldy. J'adore turned his head to the pup and smiled, 'Yes?' Gunnar bowed his head to the rock and allowed his spider pet to crawl off, Cans wim?' he asked, thumping the water with his paw. J'adore nodded and turned back to Leon.

'I'm sorry for his volume, he has not grasped control over it yet' J'adore explained, 'I'm surprised, he's like this today. We found his little over a week ago, on the beach, in a terrible state. Curled up to his dead mother, he was... He has a terrible fear of beaches to this day'. J'adore shook his head in sorrow. 'Valinta, my mate, lost a girl pup a few weeks ago. He fills the void I suppose. She says its fate'. My mate... He supposed she kinda was... or at least would be. She had voice her opinions of the trouble of moving the small pup through packlands everyday and said it would be much easier if she joined AniWaya. Gunnar didn't seem bothered about which pack he belonged to, it didn't matter to the young soul.

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