When the Time is Right

WC: 460 OOC: A bit of pp to head to the shore is awright :3 !!

Amata had been taking a walk, her duties had been relieved now that Artemis was away, though still weak from the days of laying down, but there was not the constant worry that her sister would pass away. Amata was glad for this. She decided to take the time she had, to walk and read. There was so much she had missed out on in reading because she had been off learning herself that she forgot how much she enjoyed it.

She was on her way to the calm cool serene lake she’d always visited as a puppy when she heard a cry for help. Her ears perked and she looked straight ahead where it had come from. There in the middle of the lake stood little Fia, oh no what happened now? With all these pups she knew there was going to be trouble at every corner, but this much trouble? First Artemis, then Oak and now Fia, she ran to the shore to see what happened, to see the pup was on a small berg that had chipped off from the lake. Amata had no time… and she knew the ice would not hold her.

Hold on Fia I’m coming!

Amata dropped the book at the shore and tried her best to find something that could help her, but there was nothing… NOTHING. Amata growled in frustration as Fia started to float further away, and no doubts that iceberg was going to hold her for too much longer. Looking at the water Amata was very apprehensive. Then she turned to the ice, though it would not hold her, she would have enough time to run across it right? To get as close to Fia as she could? Making up her mind she ran, ran to the ice and across it slipping a little but not letting the ice break under her, as she heard the large cracks under her optime feet, and then when there was no ice any longer she jumped. The pain of the ice cold water washed all over her. She had one thing to think about right now and that was getting Fia safely to the shore. Hurrying her body to rise to the surface, she broke through the water taking a deep frozen breath, which felt even worse than being under the freezing water itself. She swam toward the ice that held Fia and was drifting further to the middle of the lake. She tried not to splash too much, but she had to get there fast she was already shivering, once she grabbed onto the berg she started maneuvering it towards the shore.

it’s… its ok F.f.f Fia, I’ve got you!

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Table by Erin


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