Add a little pinch of magic from my fairytale life

powerplay pre-agreed

She stared disdainfully as he cackled to himself and then began gasping. Her eyes narrowed at his roving gaze, she was not ashamed of her body but his leering eyes made her feel sick inside, her stomach squirmed and writhed about like a nest of angry snakes and she hissed accordingly under her breath, too quiet for him to hear. She took a step backwards as he lurched to his feet, his nonsensical babbling confusing her.

She growled as he began staggering towards her, his hand outstretched as if to touch her person. Her ears pulled back and her muzzle wrinkled up, baring her fangs at him as a snarl pulled out of her chest. She dodged swiftly to the side and watched as he staggered passed her, and tilted off balance with her body no longer being there to catch his fall and fell over face first into the snow.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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