Spider, Son and Father
J'adore nodded, 'Should be' was his brief answer. He had been fine in the shallows of the lake, so the Spaniard supposed he would be fine no the edges of the blue water.

The hybrid pup trotted back to the conversing males, spider on his back. He positioned himself between J'adore front legs and frowned up at Leon. 'Da isn real da' he repeated, in his simple structured speech. 'Shhh' J'adore whispered in Gunnar's ear. Gunnar continued anyhow, 'I liek im beta'.

He couldn't really judge who was the better father proparly thought. Firstly he was a child, secondly he hadn't known his biological father. But as far as the Hybrid pup was concerned, Valinta and J'adore were his parents.

'So what brings you to the revenge?' J'adore asked, ignoring the squirming pup occasionally knocking him as he played. J'adore's eyes flicked down, warning the gray bundle to be still. Gunnar plopped down and mumbled something, but the hybrind man child remained silent and still. The spider howeve was restless as the males spoke. The arachnid finally decided to perch just betwee J'adore's ear and his brow. J'adore didn't mind spiders, but if he looked up, he could see Rock's fangs, and wonder why on earth he was letting his son keep such a beast.

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