there's beauty in destruction

If you want, feel free to powerplay them walking and finding the NPC wolf and/or scent.

indent The fog clung low to the ground, the cold air causing it to wrap around his feet as he moved. The Waste seemed ethereal, a border between one world and another. Monsters lived and breathed here, great monoliths of the past that came out of the dark and the mist before vanishing with blood on their hands. Gabriel paused, realizing that the scent of blood was drifting over the rise. He had been at a distance that prevented him from hearing the rabbits scream, but as he neared he spotted his half brother moving away from the carcass. Frowning, though he was not entirely displeased, the hybrid advanced. “Samael,” he offered as a greeting, yellow-gold eyes bright in the gray-white mist that covered the lands.


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