Joining- Windsong

Welcome to Souls, and to Cercatori d'Arte! I hope you like it here!

The creamy white female was glad that the winter was finally letting up. The worst was over - and unfortunately for Cercatori d'Arte, their worst was a devastating snowstorm that had threatened to destroy them. The new pack had braved through it, however, and they were stronger and closer than ever now because of it; Skye was certain that they would last a long, long time, especially after what had happened. No, Cercatori d'Arte was here to stay.

Skye's feet stepped on the light snow that smothered the ground. She was delighted to hear that the birds were back, and reveled in their song, remembering the days when she would garden under their trill sand notes. She cringed, trying to forget that her garden was no more; uprooted were the plants, dead were all the bushes that she had so painstakingly planted there. Before the storm, she had been so frantic in looking for her lost packmates that she hadn't even stopped to consider that her plants may also be in danger; she felt horrible. She would have to replant, and soon - but not now, not during the winter again. Just in case.

Suddenly she froze as she saw movement in the shadows. Creeping closer, Skye saw that it was a girl - she seemed quite young, much younger than Skye herself. She also noticed that she was dancing.

The last girl she had seen dance at the borders was Valinta, the pack's only dancer. But it seemed that this girl was gifted in the talents of her body as well; she moved and twisted her body in such a fashion that made Skye simply take in the scene for a second. Smiling, she pushed through the dense trees and emerged into the light.

"Your dancing is quite good," she remarked to the young girl, who had suddenly froze. "Don't be afraid," she added, sensing from her erect position and widened eyes that she may have been started - but why? "I'm Skye Collins, co-leader of Cercatori d'Arte. That is the pack you are on the borders of," she said in a warm voice. "May I help you?"

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